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Bandwagon is a Greenville, SC based experience technology company that delivers solutions to elevate the experience of fans and event attendees.

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Our Why

Bandwagon believes that every consumer is a fan and every fan is now a content creator with limitless technology sitting in their phones. We create opportunities for fans and consumers to connect with their favorite entertainers and brands by allowing them to mint moments, memories, and experiences. As they seek out ways to not only preserve their favorite experiences but also ensure, with cryptographic security, that they are the true creator and owner of this user-generated content.


For the first time ever, brands can access and purchase the user-generated content from their events with ease. Our Proof of Experience™ blockchain provides peace of mind as we use real time data to augment the content.

We’re partnering with Palm to deliver user-generated content based NFTs in an environmentally friendly way. Our experience with Hyperledger Fabric distributed databases and homomorphic encryption positions us as the team to lead in this market.

Proof of Experience™

Through our Proof of Experience™ blockchain, we create incentives for the entire value chain. From the fan capturing the content to the artist or athlete whose name, image, and likeness are being captured, we can build in royalties that compensate and reward all parties.

The Proof of Experience™ blockchain enables us to do something that has never been done before - allow fans to connect directly with their favorite artists, athletes, teams, and entertainers by not only letting them own a piece of history but empowering them to create it.

Our Brands

IdealSeat Logo

IdealSeat is a white-label ticketing platform for non-traditional event organizers. Whether you are a content creator trying to connect with your audience digitally or a bookstore planning for an author signing while taking COVID-19 safety measures, IdealSeat was built for you.

Have customers buy tickets to your events, on a contained and branded site, without the distraction of seeing other competing events. We built this product with simplicity and security in mind.


A POET is a Proof of Experience™ Token that can document and represent the most important and interesting moments of your life.

From everyday moments like dinner with friends to life-changing experiences like traveling the world, you can preserve and share these moments, memories, and experiences as NFTs (non-fungible tokens).

As you create and collect experiences, you are able to use them to token-gate messaging platforms like Discord and Telegram as well as unlock private events to your favorite event organizers and entertainers using IdealSeat.